Getting Rid of Weeds In My Yard
We have all been there - you have a lawn full of pesky weeds. What do you do? We are here to help offer some tips on how to better identify and manage weeds on your property.
Some weeds can be more aggressive than others. Some are just eye sores, while others cause harm by robbing water and nutrients from other plants. Below we'll cover both weed identification and weed treatment.
Weed: /noun/ A wild plant growing where it is unwanted and in competition with cultivated plants.
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Lawn care,
Lawn Tips,
Lawn Watering
Lawn Watering Tips 101
Did you know that a healthy lawn can increase a property's value by up to 15-20%. Did you know that an average sized lawn (1/3 acre) can hold over 1 million grass plants?
Watering grass can seem like such a simple chore but be careful - there is plenty of room for error and plenty of nuances to be mindful of when tending for this investment of yours.
The goal here is always a healthy, strong, lush, green lawn. Let us help you out with a few tips from our certified experts.
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Lawn care,
Lawn Tips,
Lawn Watering
Not sure which type of grass is best for your lawn?
The Northeast’s changing seasons can be tough on turf. It’s important to have a grass variety that can withstand the challenges of long winters and moderate summers. In the northeast, no one grass can do this alone - it takes a team of grass types to thrive.
We will go over the pros and cons of Blue Grass, Fine Fescues and Rye Grass so you can see why they work best as a team.
The benefit of having a grass blend is that it offers genetic diversity. Where one grass type lacks, another excels - allowing them to meet the challenges that Mother Nature throws at your turf.
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Lawn care,
Have a moss problem in your yard? Our Lime & Aeration Services can help.
Moss can be problematic to your turf because it will compete against grass for growing room.
The best way to get rid of moss is to eliminate the soil environments that it thrives in.
We will go over why you might have moss and how to get rid of it. Whether it's a temporary problem, a seasonal turf issue or something that is an issue year in and year out, we will help you get to the bottom of your moss problem.
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Lawn care,
Spring Lawn Care,
Lawn Disease
Easy Ways to Reduce Mosquitoes in my Yard
Did you know that there are 18 different species of mosquitos in Connecticut and over 3,000 different species in the world? Learn about about how to control mosquito populations in your yard.
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Lawn care,
Key Factors in Tick Control Cost
There are many factors that influence the price of a tick control program for your lawn. These factors can range from product cost, treatment areas, number of applications, and size of the area treated.
Questions Answered:
- What is the difference between synthetic and organic tick control products?
- Where can I buy tick control products?
- Where should I spray for ticks?
- How many applications do I need to apply?
- When should I apply tick control?
- How much do tick control applications cost?
- Why Do I Need to Spray my Lawn for Ticks?
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Lawn care,
Tick Control
Have you noticed areas around your lawn that are dying or changing color? If so, you know how frustrating this can be. Especially after investing hard work and money into your lawn. Below we will talk about the top 5 diseases in CT and the best ways to control them.
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Lawn care,
Spring Lawn Care,
Lawn Disease
How to Prevent Crabgrass
Have you ever worked super hard on your lawn in the spring to have crabgrass destroy it in the summer? You used a preventative but it didn’t work? If so, you know it is a very difficult weed to control once it starts growing...
The best way to prevent crabgrass from invading your lawn in the summer is with a pre-emergent in the spring.
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Lawn care,
Spring Lawn Care,
You just seeded your what?!
Your lawn care company has provided you with a seeding service - now what?! How do I make sure I am maintaining my lawn and that this service will not go to waste?!
Having a beautiful lawn is a great investment, one that can increase the value of a home (up to 20% !).
Seeding is an important step to take in helping the growth of a healthy, green lawn. Below you will find all the information you need about the seeding process and steps to take in caring for your newly seeded lawn.
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Lawn care,
Finding a Lawn Care Company That's Right for You.
Are you tired of dealing with the “Big Boys”? National & Franchise Companies have their place in our industry but might not be right for you.
You may want a more trusted and local option. It’s not always easy to find the lawn care company that is right for you.
Here’s where I have experienced the best referrals and recommendations coming from in my now 29 years in the lawn care industry:
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Lawn care,
Choosing a lawn care company