When is the best time to put down crabgrass control on my lawn?
In my 30 years of lawn service industry experience, a top concern for customers has been the timing of your 1st service.
When is the best time to put down crabgrass control on my lawn?
In my 30 years of lawn service industry experience, a top concern for customers has been the timing of your 1st service.
Topics: Weeds, Spring Lawn Care, Crabgrass, Lawn Tips
Have a moss problem in your yard? Our Lime & Aeration Services can help.
Moss can be problematic to your turf because it will compete against grass for growing room.
The best way to get rid of moss is to eliminate the soil environments that it thrives in.
We will go over why you might have moss and how to get rid of it. Whether it's a temporary problem, a seasonal turf issue or something that is an issue year in and year out, we will help you get to the bottom of your moss problem.
Topics: Lawn care, Spring Lawn Care, Lawn Disease
Have you noticed areas around your lawn that are dying or changing color? If so, you know how frustrating this can be. Especially after investing hard work and money into your lawn. Below we will talk about the top 5 diseases in CT and the best ways to control them.
Topics: Lawn care, Spring Lawn Care, Lawn Disease
Topics: Lawn care, Weeds, Spring Lawn Care, Crabgrass
Rake as many times as needed to achieve a thatch layer of ½ inch or less or hire a professional landscaping company to do this for you. Anything greater than ½ inches of thatch can be unhealthy for your lawn.
A thick layer will restrict the amount of nutrients and water that your grass roots will be able to absorb.
Raking and dethatching can begin any time after your snow season is complete.
Topics: Choosing a lawn care company, Weeds, Fertilization, Spring Lawn Care