Topics: Lawn care, Weeds, Spring Lawn Care, Crabgrass

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How to Prevent and Control Crabgrass

Posted by Brian Gerber on Mar 5, 2020 1:28:41 PM

How to Prevent Crabgrass

Have you ever worked super hard on your lawn in the spring to have crabgrass destroy it in the summer? You used a preventative but it didn’t work? If so, you know it is a very difficult weed to control once it starts growing...
The best way to prevent crabgrass from invading your lawn in the summer is with a pre-emergent in the spring.

Questions answered in this article:

Related Resource written by our owner, Nate:

When and Where does crabgrass grow?

  • When: Crabgrass is an annual weed that grows from late spring until late summer/early fall.
  • Where:
    • Sunny areas
    • Hot temperatures. 
    • Bare soil areas.
    • Insect damaged areas: a healthy lawn can fight crabgrass but a damaged lawn cannot.
Areas where your turf is scalped (cut too short).

Why is crabgrass bad?

  • Crabgrass will grow into thin or bare areas in your lawn and it chokes out "good" grasses.

  • When temperatures drop as fall approaches, crabgrass dies leaving bare areas in your lawn.

  • If given the space, it can create up to 15,000 thousand seeds per plant each year.

  • Its high stalk create a perfect space for lawn pests to thrive.

How do I identify crabgrass in my lawn?

  • New crabgrass will appear a light green color (lighter than your grass).

  • As the season goes on it will get darker and become a dull green color.

  • Crabgrass tends to grow close to the ground and in clumps.

  • Crabgrass has a thicker leaf than a grass blade

  • Crabgrass grows outward instead of upwards.

How do I prevent crabgrass from growing in my lawn?

  • Healthy Lawn: Thick, healthy lawns are strong enough to fight off crabgrass. Maintaining a healthy lawn is a preventative on its own.

  • Products: Pre-emergents such as Dimension and Pendimethalin are two of the best options. When it's time to fertilize in the spring, make sure one of these products is included.

    • We recommend one application in early spring and one later in the spring.

How to get rid of crab grass

How do I control crabgrass after it has grown?

Selective Herbicides (kills weed and not grass):

  • Quinclorac (Drive 75 DF Herbicide

  • Dithiopyr (Dimension)

  • DSMA (Methar 30)

  • FEnoxaprop-p-ethyl (Acclaim Extra)

* Read your weed control label to make sure one of the above products is in the ingredients.
Non-selective herbicides (kill everything):
  • Round-up. (These areas will have to later be re-seeded) 

    Who can help me prevent/control crabgrass?
  • DIY: Follow steps above and use recommended products. 
  • Hiring a professional: call a local company and make sure they are applying pre-emergent in the spring and weed control throughout the year
Nate Bahler and Brian Gerber of Green Meadow Lawn Care in Ellington, CT
Bottom Line:
To eliminate the takeover/spreading of crabgrass and make your lawn more enjoyable for your family, follow these guidelines or call a trusted professional.
Referrals from family, friends, and neighbors are a good way to make sure you won’t be taken advantage of.

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Since 2007, Green Meadow Lawn Care has provided homeowners throughout the greater Tolland, Connecticut area with premium fertilization programs, tick control, mosquito management, seeding & aeration and tree & shrub care. 

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To speak to our Customer Service Manager, please call Dave (view Dave's video bio here) with any questions. Dave has been in the industry for 30 years and is always happy to help with his expert advice.  
