Winters can put a lot of stress on a lawn if you aren’t careful. To make sure you are ready, take a look at some of the tips below.
In many cases, these winterizing tips don’t cost much and don’t take up much time but can yield great rewards come Spring.
Here’s what you can do to get your lawn ready for a cold, New England winter.
Will salt or de-icers damage my lawn?
Yes! This is a big yes. When you shovel walkways that have been de-iced with salt, try to avoid shoveling this snow onto your lawn.
Salt can prevent your lawn from absorbing essential nutrients. If some salt does run off onto your lawn, get rid of it by flushing the area with water several times.
Should I fertilize my lawn before winter?
We recommend a slow release winter fertilizer with micronutrients. Late fall is the best time of year to fertilize cool season grasses.
See our Premium Fertilization Program here.
Why is raking leaves so important?
Anything you may have missed during autumn clean up - its not too late to get to it!
Leaves left in yard can lead to water build up/fungus/pests/diseases/bare spots and could stunt the growth of new grass.
Pro tip: Late fall is a great time to start a compost pile. Put all of those leaves to work!
Should I overseed my lawn before winter?
Dormant Seeding can out-perform spring seeding; research has shown that seeds laid in dormancy can produce grass as much as half a month sooner than seeds laid in springtime.
- Top 10 Benefits of Dormant Seeding
- Fall Seeding vs Dormant Seeding
- Times of Year to Seed Your Lawn [Best to Worst]
Trees/Shrubs in winter:
Prune in late winter so that fresh wounds will have new growth shortly after they are trimmed.
Applying mulch around the base of your trees and shrubs insulates soil to maintain soil moisture and maintain a consistent soil temperature. Leave some space between mulch and tree trunk to avoid bark rot or insect problems.

How should I mow my lawn leading up to winter?
You want to gradually lower the height as winter approaches. Take it down 1 notch on your mower at a time. No lower than 2" is recommended for the Northeast.
- Pick up any fallen branches. This will make your life easier come spring and any additional weight on top of snow can cause soil compaction.
- Remove acorns, leaves and other vegetation.
- Tune up that equipment that got a lot of use through Spring, Summer and Fall.
- Winterize and blow out irrigation systems. A lot of companies will also check to make sure seals are not leaking. Make a plan to get them fixed this fall or in Spring. Having your irrigation system working effectively will save you money.
Since 2007, Green Meadow Lawn Care has provided homeowners throughout the greater Tolland, Connecticut area with premium fertilization programs, tick control, mosquito management, 3X core aeration & seed and tree & shrub care.
Visit our Learning Center to find out more about how our services can help you or visit our Youtube Channel to view more in our Learning Center Series.
To speak to our Customer Service Manager, please call Dave (view Dave's video bio here) with any questions. Dave has been in the industry for 30 years and is always happy to help with his expert advice.
860-870-5700 x1