Green Meadow Lawncare Learning Center

Winter Lawn Care Myths - Debunked

Written by Brian Gerber | Nov 2, 2022 6:47:59 PM

Winter Lawn Care Myths - Debunked

Myth #1 - Grass and Plants die over winter.

  • False.  A brown lawn doesn’t necessarily mean your grass is dead - it could be dormant.   Dormancy is a natural cycle of grass.  Plants go into dormancy to preserve water and nutrients.  Dormancy can be brought on by stress in either cold temperatures in winter or dry conditions during the summer. It might appear to be dead,  but inside the crowns and roots remain alive and well. 

Myth #2 - My yard work duties are over come winter. 

  • Although there is less to do when it comes to maintenance on your lawn itself, this is the perfect time to make sure all your equipment and mower blades are sharp and ready to go come springtime.  
  • Best Way to Prepare my Lawn for Spring

Myth #3 - I should keep my grass long over winter to help protect it.

  • False. You should keep your lawn at about 2.5 inches over winter. If you leave it long, it increases its chance of developing diseases like snow mold.  On the flip side,  if you cut it too short the cold weather stress could do damage.  Applying a fertilizer a few weeks before the ground freezes provides your plants with some stamina for the cold weather to come. 
  • Pink Snow Mold vs Gray Snow Mold

Myth #4 - Snow is bad for your lawn

  • This is false. Snow is actually beneficial to your lawn. It helps prevent water loss, acts as a fertilizer, insulates grass and tree roots, and helps provide moisture to the soil. 
  • Believe it or not, snow, rain, sleet, lightning and hail all collect Nitrogen, Sulfur and other nutrients as they pass through the atmosphere. It brings these nutrients to the ground, then to your soil and then to your grass.
  • Top 5 Benefits of Snow for Your Lawn

Myth #5 - Leaving leaves on my lawn over winter will not damage my grass

  • False: Leaving leaves on your lawn can smother your grass and kill it. If raking your leaves becomes too tiresome, we recommend mulching them with a lawn mower.  This will supply your lawn with many micronutrients as it recycles organic matter back into your soil while not smothering grass plants.  

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Since 2007, Green Meadow Lawn Care has provided homeowners throughout the greater Tolland, Connecticut area with premium fertilization programs, tick control, mosquito management, seeding & aeration and tree & shrub care. 

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To speak to our Customer Service Manager, please call Dave (view Dave's video bio here) with any questions. Dave has been in the industry for 30 years and is always happy to help with his expert advice.  
