Green Meadow Lawncare Learning Center

What Does Pythium Blight Look Like? [Disease Identification]

Written by Nate Bahler | Aug 3, 2020 5:34:49 PM

Pythium blight is a very destructive fungal lawn disease that does the worst of its damage in hot and humid weather.

It can be spread my moving water and mechanical equipment. This disease can do significant damage in as little as a few days under the right conditions. 

This disease, like many others, is easier to prevent than it is to cure.  The best preventative for this disease is maintaining a healthy lawn that can stand up to disease. 

When Does Pythium Blight Occur?

Pythium blight disease can occur when we have 3 factors present; a pathogen already living dormant in your lawn, the proper host (rye grass or blue grass), or day/night temperatures are reaching a combined 150 degrees.  

How To Prevent Pythium Blight:

We want to create an environment that does not foster the growth of this disease. While there are some environmental factors that we cannot control, there are a number of practices that we can control. Here are a few tips:

  • Change your lawn grade or create drainage areas to minimize spots on your property where water might pool. 

  • Clean your mower blades. Lawn mowers can contribute to the spread of this disease. 

  • Water infrequently & deeply

  • Avoid watering your lawn at night 

What are Signs of Pythium Blight?

  • Cotton- like mycelium growing in morning (see below). 

  • Redish/brown spots or streaks.

  • Streaks that follow water drainage patters or lawn mowing patterns. 

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Since 2007, Green Meadow Lawn Care has provided homeowners throughout the greater Tolland, Connecticut area with premium fertilization programs, tick control, mosquito management, seeding & aeration and tree & shrub care. 

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To speak to our Customer Service Manager, please call Dave (view Dave's video bio here) with any questions. Dave has been in the industry for 30 years and is always happy to help with his expert advice.  
